Why we need care plans in 2022

Episode 42 July 01, 2022 01:05:12
Why we need care plans in 2022
The Agency Hour
Why we need care plans in 2022

Jul 01 2022 | 01:05:12


Hosted By

Troy Dean Johnny Flash

Show Notes

This week we’re joined by fellow Mavericks Club member Mike Spratt, all the way from across the ditch (New Zealand) to discuss building monthly recurring revenue and care plans.  In fact, Mike won’t even take on a new client unless they have a care plan. 

Join us to discover how Mike plans to achieve his goal of reaching 600 clients on care plans.  PLUS...WE HAVE A MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT! The internet may just break from this one, tune in to learn more. We have all the training you need to start, grow and scale your business.

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Episode Transcript

Speaker 0 00:00:00 If I do my job properly, it's to give the team a website that's for a small to medium size business, uh, you know, that's, you know, five to maybe 20 pages kind of like max, um, you know, if they don't have their own brand identity that gets, you know, shot across the loop, in which case we're getting stuff back pretty quickly. And then they can kind of like chop stuff up pretty quickly. So we have a, um, we are implementing right now a really cool cloud based option, which allows us to kind of like drag and drop frameworks straight into, uh, WordPress. So within 10 minutes you have like the whole skeleton, uh, of the website really ready to go. And then my teams basically then it would go to my front ends and they would do, um, imagery and content. Um, you know, I just use stuff like type.io, you know, to give them some font, family and paragraph styling, kind of, you know, bits and pieces. Speaker 0 00:00:58 And so once you have like the systems that we have set up, there's, there's no need to kind of like, you know, like start from scratch, you know, like bring in your, you know, panel like work on your padding, you know, like, you know, like have a look at how an image is gonna work. Like we, what we do is, you know, just kind of like bring in existing kind of like frameworks, you know, um, you know, from, from the cloud. Um, and then, and then put that, um, company's kind of, um, brand identity over, over, over the top. Speaker 1 00:01:33 If you have a vision for the agency you want to build, then we want to help you build it. Welcome to the agency. Our podcast brought to you by agency Mavericks. Speaker 2 00:01:42 Oh, ladies and gentlemen, we are chilling out here this morning on the agency hour, live in the digital Mavericks Facebook group, and also in your AirPods or your Samsung galaxy buds. Plus I'm really sorry if you own a pair of those. Wow. I was given a pair of those and I tried to connect them to my Mac and all the forums say, yes, we play nicely with other platforms. Yeah, wrong. They are a pile of crap, those things. So, uh, if you are listening in the Samsung galaxy plus buds, I do apologize. Uh, but welcome to the agency hour. And we have a very, very, very big announcement today on the show. There's only one drinking vessel on my desk, but we have two guests. That's right. We have two very special guests on the agency out today, and we have a massive announcement. It's gonna send shock waves through the industry. Speaker 2 00:02:38 I just know it. Uh, if you listen to this episode or watch this episode, share it with your friends and tell them you can't believe the news. I think I'm gonna just dive straight in and drop the bomb. Uh, we have two guests in the waiting room who are wanting to join us. They, uh, we'll be joining us separately, but they have an inter interconnected story. So welcome to the matrix, ladies and gentlemen. Uh, so ladies and gentlemen, this is my last ever episode of the agency hour as CEO of agency Mavericks proprietary limited. What does that mean? I'm either leaving the agency hour or I'm leaving my post as CEO of agency Mavericks, which could it be oh, wrong button. all<laugh> no wrong button. Ah, there we go. Well, ladies and gentlemen, it is official as of 5:00 PM. Tonight, Thursday, the 30th of June here in Australia. Speaker 2 00:03:49 I have been fired. No I haven't. I'm resigning as CEO of agency Mavericks. That's right. I'm stepping down. The team has spoken, have taken a vote and made it very clear that if I don't leave, they'll push me. I'm kidding. I'm leaving a as CEO, but don't worry. I'm not leaving the company. I'm not, uh, going on to do anything else. I'm staying in the company. I'm just moving roles. And I am stepping down as CEO. And I would now like to take this opportunity to, by the way, let us know in the chat. Uh, Zach's TEEX says I already can't believe it. It's a true, it's true, Zach. It is true. I am resigning as CEO of agency Mavericks, and there's a very good reason for this. I'm not the best person for the job. And it pains me to admit that publicly doesn't actually pain me that much. Um, there is someone else who is far better equipped to do the job and wants to do the job. And, uh, without further ado, I would like to introduce you, ladies and gentlemen, to the new CEO of agency Mavericks, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome all the way from Christchurch in New Zealand ever. Bryan, Speaker 2 00:05:07 How are you? Speaker 3 00:05:09 I'm good. I'm good. How are Speaker 2 00:05:11 You? I'm very, I'm very good. Now look, Emily you've fired me. So I dunno how I dunno how popular you're gonna be here, but, uh, <laugh> tell, uh, I Speaker 3 00:05:19 Dunno, it might be quite popular <laugh> Speaker 2 00:05:22 You probably will be. Uh, just let everyone know who doesn't know you. Who are you? Where are you from and what are you doing here and why the hell are you taking over as CEO of agency Mavericks? Speaker 3 00:05:33 <laugh> sure. Well, I actually started out as a customer, uh, few years back now, um, spoke to you Tori on a, on a sales call and I'd been following you for a long, long time. And you know, I was eight months pregnant and wanting to join Mavericks and you were like, whoa, <laugh> might be good to slow down a little. So I, um, bought some courses instead and, and followed along that, and that really helped my agency a lot because I didn't wanna go back to work full time back then wanted to grow the business and manage to do that. And whilst I was following you and working through everything, I saw an opportunity to work for you. And that was in, you know, running and growing the Facebook group and creating a strategy to grow that. So that's how I kind of got my foot in the door and worked my way up. <laugh> I guess Speaker 2 00:06:22 That's right. That, that was your, that was your, uh, that was your fire start and your accelerator, wasn't it. Let me run this Facebook group for you because you dunno what you're doing. You idiot, let me come in and run this for you and help you grow this Facebook group, this very Facebook group that you are watching this in right now was, uh, way back. When, when did you start with us? Was it, Speaker 3 00:06:38 Uh, that was September 20, 20, 20, 20, Speaker 2 00:06:43 Right. Almost two years ago. Wow. Yeah. Um, and you came in and you grew the Facebook group. And I mean, back then, I think we had 5,000 members in the Facebook group and now we're up to over 12,000 members. So it's been remarkable and I'd had that Facebook group since about, I don't know, 2015 or something. So, I mean, I hadn't, we hadn't really put much of an effort into growing it. It had been through a couple of iterations. So you came in and grew that group and then, uh, what happened? Speaker 3 00:07:13 Uh, so did that quite successfully, as you mentioned, and then really I couldn't help myself. I started to see some other things in the, the business that I kind of wanted to get stuck into and, uh, just kind of started from there really. And then I had a good chat with you and Eva back then and came on board as head of content officially. And that was that would've been March last year and that kind of quickly grew into more of the marketing role. And then, um, after Eva had left and getting close to Christmas last year, there was a bit of a gap in the operational side of things that we'd kind of highlighted. And I jumped into that space. And then as you've already shared, when you were on holiday and, uh, over Christmas this year, and you weren't quite ready to, to come back and ring me on a Sunday and said, I'm not coming back to work. So that was the yeah. Uh, I probably did, to be honest, have a few thoughts <laugh> so, but I, it was the, uh, it was a great way to do it and I jumped straight in and kind of haven't looked back. Speaker 2 00:08:20 Yeah, that's right. I mean, technically you've been doing this job for the last few months, so, uh, and for me I have realized, and it's taken me a long time. It took, it's taken me years to get to this point, but then the decision actually happened quite quickly. And I think it happened really while I was camping on that holiday in January. I just did not want to come back into the role that I was in. I just did not. I did the, the amount of the amount of incoming, the amount of information that you need to manage. Uh, when you're in the big chair is a lot and I'd been doing it for a long time. And I felt like, um, one, I was a bit cooked, to be honest, I was, you know, I was like, I just don't like, I remember I messaged Pete on Voxer and said something like, Hey mate, just letting you know, I'm not coming back, uh, this week, uh, or next week, probably I'm gonna take another couple of weeks because if I'm in a meeting and anyone asks me to make a decision, it's gonna be the fastest decision I make just to get the thing off my desk and out of my head. Speaker 2 00:09:27 And it's not gonna be the best decision for the company. I'm just gonna say, do whatever you want, because I don't wanna think about it. And so then I just gave myself another couple of weeks. And during that time, I realized I'm most valuable to this business, if I'm doing what I'm really good at and what I really enjoy, which is sitting in this chair, talking to customers, educating, inspiring, motivating coaching, making products, creating courses, and also probably dabbling a little bit in the marketing side of the business. And there's all this other stuff that has to happen that I'm not the best at. And I don't really have the attention span for, to be honest. Like I I'm, I'm, I'm across it, like the financial spreadsheets, hiring people, managing job scorecards for people, you know, partnerships, all, all this stuff that I'm kind of across. Speaker 2 00:10:17 But if I'm honest with myself and it did take me a long time to kind of be honest with myself and say, dude, you don't, it's okay to admit that you don't really wanna do that anymore. And in fact, it's best for everyone. If you just get out of the way and let someone else do it, who's better at it. And who wants to do it? And, um, so I think it was maybe, I don't know, February, March this year where I kind of said, Hey, this is what I'm thinking. And we picked the 1st of July, which is the start of a new financial year here in Australia as the, uh, as the date. So as of tomorrow morning, you officially take over mm-hmm <affirmative> what are you most nervous about? <laugh> Speaker 3 00:10:55 <laugh> uh, well, I, I don't know exactly what, I'm more, I'm more excited than nervous really, because I just see so many opportunities and potential for us to grow and keep serving our customers. And, you know, we have such an amazing team and they really pull out everything to, to get results for our clients. So I'm just really excited. Like I'm not really too nervous. <laugh> Speaker 2 00:11:22 That's good. And we have also identified that there's with you moving into this role. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, there's probably gonna be a bit of a hole in operations. Mm-hmm <affirmative> and so what have we done there? Speaker 3 00:11:34 Yeah, so we have hired Anna. So another Kiwi we're we're growing the, the Kiwi brunch, uh, who worked for me in my company actually. So I know her well, and she's a real, um, a real doer. And so she's coming with, um, the title of operations assistant, and also helping Troy, um, be, you know, your EA as well, which is fantastic. And yeah, she's already, <laugh> saving a lot of, a lot of time for me. And I feel like I'm kind of getting a bit of my sanity back, so I know you're watching the Santa, so thank you. Speaker 2 00:12:06 Hey, Anna. Uh, glad to have you here on the team, Anna, uh, Hey, for those that are just joining, uh, the big announcement that we've just made this morning is that I am resigning as CEO of agency Mavericks and Emily Bryant, who is here with me on the stage is taking over as of tomorrow morning. It is official. Now we will be putting out a blog post about this, and we'll be, uh, emailing everyone we know and letting them know, and I'll be announcing it on Facebook and LinkedIn, and probably doing a TikTok video. I'm joking and, um, uh, doing my happy dance, uh, because I'm no longer in the big seat Emily Bryant is taking over. She's a Kiwi. Uh, I also figured out yesterday that I think we are about 70% females in this business, uh, these days. Speaker 3 00:12:46 Oh yeah, we probably are actually. Speaker 2 00:12:47 Yeah. Which is great. I love it by the way, frankly, personally, I mean, you know, no offense to the blokes who work here, but I just think women are far more organized and better at most things. Um, so there you go. That's controversial. Now the obvious question is, uh, what happened to your agency? Speaker 3 00:13:08 Yes. Well, I quickly identified last year jumping into, you know, work with agency fabrics full-time. And even though I had run the agency on the side of a full-time job before it just wasn't sustainable, it wasn't gonna happen. And I would've been, you know, doing a disservice to my customers. So thankfully within Mavericks, there's, you know, a lot of other agency owners. And so, um, I reached out to someone and had the, you know, the conversation with him. It was ongoing over a few months, but the, the final decision was really quick. So I sold, um, BA basically the whole company, but the website and the care plans and the domains and everything to another Kiwi who is the guest on the show, Mike sprout. Speaker 2 00:13:51 He is. And I think now's a good opportunity to bring Mike sprout from G and media onto the stage. Mike sprout. How are you? My friend. Speaker 0 00:13:58 Never better. Thanks mate. Yeah, really good. Awesome. Speaker 2 00:14:01 Although, thanks. Speaker 0 00:14:02 I should be a little bit angry with you for stealing Anna off me. Speaker 3 00:14:06 <laugh> so no, no <laugh> Speaker 2 00:14:09 Oh, whoop, sorry. Sorry mate. Speaker 3 00:14:10 <laugh> Speaker 2 00:14:12 She was she alike Sharon and she alike. Speaker 0 00:14:15 Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, Speaker 2 00:14:17 Yeah. Adam Silverman. I think Adam Silverman still pissed with me for stealing Laurie Ann back too. Once we, we, we, we loaned Loria Adam for a project and, and then, uh, said, are you still using Laurie? He said, no. I said, great. So we took her and then a couple weeks later he came back and he said, can I have Lorianne back? And I said, no, get your hands off. <laugh> I didn't, I actually didn't know that Anna had been working with you, Mike. Yeah, I'm gonna plead, I'm gonna plead ignorance here. Hey, don't blame me. We've got a new CEO blame her <laugh> Speaker 3 00:14:40 Yeah, exactly. I take all the blames <laugh> Speaker 0 00:14:43 No, it's good. It's good. Like, you know, it's one of those things, you know, can't help progression and, um, the, the role that you guys can provide for Anna's, you know, 10 times better than the one that, uh, you know, I had, uh, for her, which was just, you know, basically, you know, booking course for me getting, getting the book cleaned up and, and stuff like that. So, uh, onwards and upwards for, uh, so it's all good. Speaker 2 00:15:03 Very, very gracious. Everything you very much. Uh, well now, Emily, I'm sure you are a busy as a CEO or a new CEO as a company, so we might let you off the hook and, and let you go and get back to work while Mike and I, uh, stay here and just jazz out for a bit about, uh, his business model and what it's like acquiring agencies. Speaker 0 00:15:21 Sounds good to me. Speaker 2 00:15:22 <laugh> awesome. Thanks Emily. Thanks for joining in. Appreciate it. Uh, there you go. Ladies and gentlemen, Emily Bryant from New Zealand taking over as CEO of agency Mavericks. And I would now like to formally introduce you to one of our Mavericks club members from New Zealand as well. Mike SPRT Hey Mike, whereabouts in New Zealand, are you for those who are geographically curious? Speaker 0 00:15:41 Um, in Auckland? Yeah. In Speaker 2 00:15:42 Auckland in Auckland. Um, and so how did the, first of all, let's talk about, uh, quickly talk about the acquisition of Emily's business to close that loop, and then we'll talk about your business model, which I think is super interesting. Uh, how did the acquisition come about for Emily's agency? Speaker 0 00:15:59 I, I wanna say, I, I, I wanna say it was direct. I think she tapped me on the shoulder and, and said, Hey, would you like to, to buy my business? Um, and it was something acquisition was something that we had, um, on our mind for, for a while. We were in a, you know, in a, in a situation where we had everything that you need, you know, to, to acquire another business, um, seamlessly or as seamlessly as you can acquire a business. Um, and I believe she showed me the business and I said, Hey, look for these three reasons, uh, you know, it's not too risky. I, I can't remember, but I said, Hey, there's a couple of things that, um, you know, would be a no for me right now. And then what's so cool about Emily is like within no time at all, she tapped me back on the shoulder and she said, Hey, I fixed all of those things that you didn't like. Speaker 0 00:16:50 And I was like, really? She's like, yeah, I'll fixed it all. Do you wanna buy it now? And I was like, if you've really fixed it, I'll buy it like tomorrow. I think we, you know, we, we, you know, went through a letter of offer and, um, wrapped things up, you know, I wanna say with the least within the least kind of like two, three days. And so that's wow. You know, Testament to her to, you know, take what, you know, perceive was perceivably could have been like a, you know, like not a blow, but like, oh, you know, this guy doesn't want my business, you know, and, and quickly went away, fix the things that I didn't like, or that I perceived as risky and then came back and then the rest of the deal was easy. As I said, you know, you know, from, from letter of offer to, you know, um, uh, you know, purchase and, and taken the reins was I think yeah. Two or three days. So, um, Speaker 2 00:17:34 And how, how, how I've got so many questions about this, how have the clients transit? How, like, was there any pushback or any resistance from Emily's existing client base when you were introduced or when they kind of met you and the team? Speaker 0 00:17:45 No, I can tell you cuz I'm a data nerd. Um, Speaker 2 00:17:49 <laugh> I love it. Speaker 0 00:17:52 So we've, I know that it's definitely less, um, less than five. So cuz we, we, we Emily's, isn't the only business that we've acquired. Um, but, um, three, three out of 90, uh, wow. Are discharged. Uh, the risk remain active. What's that two and a half percent. That's fantastic. Great. Yeah. Um, and uh, for us, you know, the, the value of which we bought the book to the value of the book in our business now is something in the RA in the region of a five X or a six X wow. Occurring annual revenue. So us acquiring business has become one of those things where it's mutually beneficial for all three part parties involved. Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, it's really great for us cuz we get fast growth. Uh, it's really good for the, um, um, clients that we acquire because, um, well I've got a team of 12. Speaker 0 00:18:55 Emily was lifting up that whole agency, you know, on her own two sh you know, shoulders, you know, doing a fantastic job with, with one person. Um, but with a, a bigger team coming in, um, means, you know, that there's a wider array of, um, you know, digital products and services available to those customers. And then obviously it's better for the clients that we acquire as well because you know, they get not a better level of service, you know? Um, but, um, you know, they, you know, yeah, yeah. So it's good for us. Sorry. And it's good for Emily as well because she gets clean. Sorry. Yeah. So good for us. Good for Emily. Yeah. Good Speaker 2 00:19:33 For clients. And, and it is, it's not necessarily a better level of service, but it's more attention. It's more resources, it's more availability. It's, there's more skillset on the team so they can get their problem solved. And you've got, you've got more infrastructure than someone who's essentially running the agency on their own with, you know, a couple of freelancers or contractors helping out. Let's I wanna talk about cuz you've ha you've acquired a couple of agencies now. I think, uh, what is, what, why is acquiring an agency so beneficial for you? What, just explain your business model to people. Speaker 0 00:20:04 Yeah. Okay. Um, so what do we do? So we operate a little bit kind of like differently to your average agency. Um, and that came about from joining Mavericks that, that wasn't something that we, um, inherently kind of did pre Mavericks, but it was something that jumped out at me during Mavericks. So when we came into our first 12 months of Mavericks, the Mav con that we jumped into was focusing on care plans and signature systems. So the, the, the two products at the ends of, I guess, your, what you would call like the scope of which you can sell a customer mm-hmm <affirmative> and up until then, um, I'd never heard of a care plan. I'd never heard of a signature system. And so, because I'm, I'm that guy, I just went and like sold three signature systems, which was like our alpha, you know, kind of like test run of a, a signature system. Speaker 0 00:20:56 Um, kind of like almost a little bit kind of like naively and mm-hmm <affirmative>, I, you know, took your advice, which was to, you know, go through a process of, um, you know, taking all of your hosting clients, you know, introducing them to a new kind of like proposition, uh, of a care plan, um, and you know, kind of, uh, firing the ones that, that didn't kind of like take the upgrade. So you have this kind of like this clean up. And so what's cool for me is acquiring a business well, acquiring like a businesses, like the ones that we have, they have lots of small recurring revenue products, like email registration and hosting. And so that might sit at around the kind of like 20 to $40 a month, um, you know, kind of, uh, range of, of services. And then what we can do is we can kind of like wrap a care plan around them and five, six to 10 X, you know, the, the, the, the recurring revenue, um, you know, on, on those products because they haven't been taken up to that high level of service yet. Speaker 0 00:22:00 And so that's what we look for. So, you know, the, the, the, the agencies that we look for, you know, preferably are ones that have had a good track record selling email, uh, registration and hosting mm-hmm <affirmative>, but haven't talked to their clients about, uh, a care plan or any post launch products. Um, post launch products are your performance products, SEO, digital marketing, um, mm-hmm, <affirmative>, you know, all of that kind of stuff. And so that's where we've said, no, recently, as well, we've been offered businesses. That's like, Hey, here's, um, here's 20, you know, like websites that are perfect and they're all on care plans. You know, that's not a business that we would like, like to buy because we can't add any value the, the value's already added, you know, and, um, you know, you know, on the other instance, almost the <laugh> like almost the scrappier, the business, the better for me to acquire, um, was a really cool chapter in a book, uh, that I read that was a huge course correction for me. Speaker 0 00:23:03 And when we've had this conversation before, and the chapter we going to, like the whole reason of the chapter is actually a personal book, not a business book, but the chapter was called notice that opportunity lies where responsibility responsibility has been abdicated. And that's like, true. I love that so much. So true in the game. Can you just, can you just repeat, can you just repeat that so that the, the, the, the chapter is called notice that responsibility li uh, responsibility lies where sorry, notice that, um, opportunity lies where responsibility has been abated. And so the, in the web game there, I mean, you just have, you just have a look through the website, either have a, have a look through the internet, you'll notice that, um, the upkeep of websites is almost nonexistent. So what at what normal businesses will do is they'll buy a website for three grand mm-hmm <affirmative> and then, you know, and then it just sits there. Speaker 0 00:24:00 The agency sits in the, in, in the red, you know, you know, from a service, you know, level to, to that kind of like business, and then maybe charges them some money for hosting, you know, or, or whatever. And, and then the, the client's like, well, what, what does, what comes with hosting? It's like, well, nothing is just space on the server. Oh, okay. Well, instead, then what does it look like if I reengage with you? It's like, well, that looks like fees. It's like, ah, okay, well, I bought this website. I, I don't really know what to do with it. Now I've got these like monthly things for reporting and hosting and, and, and all of that kind of stuff. And, you know, that's annoying. That's just a cost, you know, mm-hmm <affirmative> then if I reengage there's fees and inevitably I'm gonna have to buy another website off this crowd, mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, you know, for, um, in another three years or, or kind of whatever. Speaker 0 00:24:49 And so what I've just explained there is the four biggest pain points that a care plan, uh, you know, kind of overcomes. And so, you know, our model is either through traditional, um, you know, means like, um, you know, like a, you know, we, we do have the ability to do like SEO and digital marketing and all the rest of it for GRK and media, but those, all of those channels are turned off right now. Mm-hmm, <affirmative> the two only two active channels that we have open is referral mm-hmm <affirmative> right. So that's a one-on-one business coming to us or acquisition we'll buy a hundred clients overnight. But fundamentally when I have, you know, the, when I, when I drill down to the one-on-one relationship, no matter how I acquire them, the, the, the process of showing them what, what a care plan is, is an explanation of showing them that there's not gonna be any, uh, cost to getting a good website, launched that all of the monthly stuff is gonna be covered in the cost of the care plan. Speaker 0 00:25:51 The, um, uh, a care plan also covers any reactionary requests that you make of us to keep the website updated mm-hmm <affirmative>. And every 36 months you get a brand new website or a website refresh. And, and that is gonna be wrapped up into a cash flow, friendly, predictable fixed price, small monthly service retainer, sub $200. So my, my care plans range from 99 to, uh, 1 99, depending on what kind of business it is, mm-hmm <affirmative>, um, and we have a 100% success rate on wow. Upgrading at the moment. That'll, that'll be, but currently where as Speaker 2 00:26:31 You grow. Yeah. So there's, there's so much to unpack here, first of all, uh, how clear are you? So, so essentially I get a free website I'm on a care plan. So 36 month contract, is that right? Speaker 0 00:26:45 No, we're too good. No one, we have such a low level of attrition. We don't even bother with a contract anymore. Speaker 2 00:26:50 Wow. So I get a free website. I sign on for a care plan of let's call it $200 a month. And then in three years time, I get another free website. I'm gonna make an assumption that you've got your, my mic is a bit hot. Somebody said, uh, I'm gonna make an assumption that Speaker 0 00:27:10 I got red. Speaker 2 00:27:11 You've got your <laugh>. I'm gonna make an assumption. Speaker 0 00:27:13 Always go red. When I talk now, now you've made me paranoid. Speaker 2 00:27:18 No, James merod says that my mic is a bit hot. He's he's saying that my microphone's a bit hot. I don't believe him. I think his headphones are a bit loud. Um, I'm gonna make an assumption that you've got your process down for building these websites so fast that you, it's not costing you. Like, just walk us through that. And then also, I wanna talk about how, what if a client comes along with a level of complexity where you just cannot build them a free website, because it doesn't make sense, Speaker 0 00:27:52 Our niches more to medium sized businesses, um, you know, who have a poor, no, or DIY website. So we would, we, by, by that virtue, normally we, um, don't kind of go after complicated websites or, or albeit, that's not that we don't know how to do them. Um, so if someone comes in and it's just like super complicated or the website's massive or, or kind of whatever, normally it means we haven't done our job properly, which is to educate our, uh, professional partners who send in referral or our existing clients. Most, most, most people will give you like for like, right. So we look after small to medium sized businesses. We have a direct relationship with the business owner. We don't deal with like marketing managers and big corporates and stuff like that. And so it's been our experience that they'll give you like for like customers. Speaker 0 00:28:49 Um, but you know, we were talking the other day about the fact that, you know, we had a website that we just did. It was a eCommerce website, um, you know, for a, um, brass and woodwinds, uh, instrument company. And they came through and they were like, you know, oh, Hey, you know, this is what it is, you know, and we had a look at it and we're like, okay, like, um, if we build you this website, you know, um, it's to go on a care plan. And they're like, yeah, we, we want the post launch support. And so I was like, okay, in which case, look, there's gonna be some fees associated with the website because it's a super complicated, massive eCommerce kind of like project mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, and if they had showed me signs that it was just a build, uh, we wouldn't have done it. Speaker 0 00:29:34 Right. Nice. So the, the, the fact that I could kind of the, the fact that my processes of onboarding, uh, clients, and when I talk to clients, um, allow me to, um, use what's called a, a, a, um, what's it called a, um, a client scorecard, which we stole from you as well. Um, that has some questions in it that identify intent for post launch. And so if they don't want postlaunch care, and if there's no opportunity, uh, for our growth plans, which is our next product up, which is the performance one that's postlaunch, um, then we wouldn't do it. Um, but if they say, Hey, I want this really kind complicated e-commerce build, you know, it might be, Hey, it's gonna be some fees associated. Uh, and it would only be if it was gonna, um, go on to, um, another one, but currently we only have two. So we are building 65 websites right now. Only two of them fit that description. Speaker 2 00:30:29 Hang on, hang on, hang on. You're building 65 websites at the moment. <laugh> Speaker 0 00:30:36 And we have someone hold, wow, we have someone hold that. I'm not even releasing into our whip yet. Speaker 2 00:30:44 How, how, uh, okay, so, and your team, how big is your team? How long does it take your team to produce a website? Speaker 0 00:30:53 So if we get our positioning, right. And it's, uh, um, so, so here's the thing as well with a care plan, we don't just wrap our websites in care plans, and this is what I guess people should listen to. If they have a normal agency, I can wrap a care plan around the websites that they build as well. Right. And so if they, if I perceivably see that, like we had one recently for a, a flooring company and, uh, they took like six months to build the website, a website that we could have built in a day. And, um, and so by the time the guy had finished, they were already obligated to finish by the time that, so on day one where he's like, oh, Hey, it's time to host. It's like, no, no, no, no, no, all of that's going to Mike. So what's great with that is we get like, you know, like a, a website that someone else does did bring that over to our server, wrap it into care plan. Speaker 0 00:31:44 We get everything that comes after that. So of the 65 that we are building, those are the ones that we are building, but that's not all of our business that's coming in at the moment because we are also, um, we can also wrap care plans around Shopify websites, which inherently have their own, the services with Shopify mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, you know, we do heaps of DIY apples for apples conversion. So we eat wicks and square spaces, lunch all day, every day. Um, those ones are great. Um, and so on, on, on a, on a project that we steal off another agency, it's the same day, Hey, this is a care plan. And we can just bring you a website over it's instant income, uh, you know, for, for no real kind of, um, uh, work in progress, investment mm-hmm, <affirmative> on apples to apples, conversion off a DIY product. Speaker 0 00:32:34 Those are, you know, two to three hours and, and we've ripped everything across and now have a WordPress or Shopify version of that website to launch and wrap our, um, care plan services around one that we build. So, um, depending on which staff member it lands with, but say, for example, on our fastest channel, we can come up with a really nice five to 15 page website, um, you know, kind of, uh, you know, some, something that we would pigeonhole in the market to be worth between three to five grand. We can build that in a day. Speaker 2 00:33:08 Wow. And, uh, a couple of questions here. How big is your team? I think you've already answered that there's 12 in your team. How many developers are working on the sites and where are they in New Zealand or are they overseas? Speaker 0 00:33:19 So we have a nine to three split New Zealand to overseas, and we have, um, uh, four front ends and three, four stacks. Speaker 2 00:33:29 Wow. Do you do design as well? If someone comes along and says, Hey, we don't really have a brand, but we kind of, we've got this logo on a letterhead. Can you design an interface for us as well? Speaker 0 00:33:37 Yep. Yep. So we have that, that one is a, that one. So 10 out of 12 of those staff, 10 have an employment contract and two are, um, heavy contractors. So we would be their biggest, you know, client, but for, for other reasons, um, so Luke, a guy called Luke, um, does all of our, if we want something like real bespoke, like if it's like a brand exercise, something that should have probably normally gone to a graphic designer first, we use a guy called Luke and what's funny is what's real cool. You know, and this is the abundance thing that you and Mavericks talk about all the, all the time. Troy, Luke, the only really, really the only reason I think that he's remaining a contractor and he's kind of like not coming on full time, even though we get, you know, like, you know, we, we, we kind of like dominate his, uh, you know, um, calendar because we a priority with him. Speaker 0 00:34:40 The only reason I think that not, not the only reason, but the main reason why he's keeping that is because we're actually, I'm actually helping him do what I do because he's like, oh man, like, you know, this is, this is, this is such, such a, like a simple, you know, kind of like business model. And so he and his, you know, kind of like business that he contracts to me with, um, he has like 10 care plans now. So he's probably got two and a half, you know, $3,000 a month worth of, uh, recurring revenue, um, attached to, to his thing. And eventually he'll, he'll go, Hey, Mike, you know, I don't wanna design anymore. I just wanna do this. Yeah. Um, because you know, it's the way that it's gonna go. I, I believe it's the way that it's gonna go. Speaker 2 00:35:25 Yeah. Uh, for those who are watching and listening, couple, uh, questions here, the name of the business is gin media. Uh, what's the URL gin, media.co.nz Speaker 0 00:35:34 Set. Yep. Speaker 2 00:35:35 Cool. Um, what, what's your, what's your development? I know people are asking this and I'm curious as well, what's your development stack? What you, what, how are you producing websites that fast Speaker 0 00:35:44 Without, Speaker 2 00:35:45 Without giving away the secret source? Of course, without fine giving away fine. The, the 11 secret herbs and spices Speaker 0 00:35:50 <laugh>. So we would be 90% WordPress, 10% Shopify, I would say some somewhere around that split mm-hmm <affirmative>. Um, and that's normally, uh, client preference that, um, you know, dictates, um, we, uh, I'd say, say for example, from a WordPress point of view, and again, it depends on the kind of like scope, but if I'm doing my job properly, it's to, you know, it's to, to take one of the clients that we buy, uh, to take a, a referral that comes in or potentially, if we kind of like see weakness and we decide to go after, uh, you know, a, a certain kind of like project. Um, if I do my job properly, it's to give the team a website that's for a small to medium sized business, uh, you know, that's, you know, five to maybe 20 pages kind of like max, um, you know, if they don't have their own brand identity that gets, you know, shot across the loop, in which case we're getting stuff back pretty quickly. Speaker 0 00:36:49 And then they can kind of like chop stuff up pretty quickly. So we have a, um, we are implementing right now a really cool cloud based option, which allows us to kind of like drag and drop frameworks straight into, uh, WordPress. So within 10 minutes you have like the whole skeleton, uh, of the website really ready to go. And then my teams basically, or then it would go to my front ends and they would do, um, imagery and content. Um, you know, I just use stuff like type.io, you know, to give them some font, family and paragraph styling, kind of, you know, bits and pieces. And so once you have like the systems that we have set up, there's, there's no need to kind of like, you know, like start from scratch, you know, like bring in your, you know, panel, like work on your padding, you know, like, you know, like have a look at how an image is gonna work. Speaker 0 00:37:45 Like, we, what we do is, you know, just kind of like bring in existing kind of like frameworks, you know, um, you know, from, from the cloud. Um, and then, and then put that, um, companies kind of, um, brand identity over, over, over the top. And so, you know, and that, and that's the thing, you know, like if you wanna go and position for a $10,000 website, um, you know, and, and, and, you know, design from scratch, whatever you want to use, Figma, Photoshop, you know, illustrator, you know, kind of like whatever software that you use. And then you wanna like, take that into a kind of like dev, you know, uh, kind of environment, you know, go, go through the revisions and, and all of that kind of stuff, then that's fine. That, that that's fine. Like that, that that's obviously like a, a kind of model that still needs to exist for certain customers. Speaker 0 00:38:36 But what we win is, um, stuff that they just need an affordable, you know, kind of viable functioning kind of like website. And when we go back to them and say, Hey, we can actually create that for you 99 times out of a hundred, to a point where it's like, Hey, here's a website that's 99% done. All you have to do is do your little kind of like nitpicks and stuff like that. And then launch it, um, more often than not, then that's what happens. The clients are like, wow, like, I, I look great, Mike. Like, I, I never knew my business was so awesome. You know, I've gotta almost kind of like step up my systems now to match what it says on my, kind of like a, a website. So we don't have, uh, problems with imagery. We don't have problems with content. Uh, we don't have problems with like waiting for the customer on bits and on bits and pieces like that. And we, even though that they're involved and they get ultimate amount of revisions and they, you know, feel like it's their website. Um, we just have really good systems around avoiding those pitfalls that normal agencies falling into, which can cause, uh, delays and stuff like that. Speaker 2 00:39:42 What there's so much about this that I love, right, is that you, when you first joined Mavericks, and I think there's a big lesson in this, I've heard, uh, you know, you, you drank the Koolaid, but then very quickly when you know what that business model is not right for us, I don't wanna manage these large signature system clients on three to five K a month. Their expectations are too high. It's, you know, it doesn't suit my team's sweet spot, Jenny. Lakemans also said this in the past. She's like, it's great. Everything you say is great, Troy, but it doesn't mean I have to do it all. I'm like, no, no, that's entirely right. Like we are here to help you do the thing that you want to do. Not, not take our approach, hook, line, and sinker. But what I love about this is you've systematically made decisions about what you don't want to do. Speaker 2 00:40:31 Like you don't at the moment, you are not doing, you know, SEO campaign campaigns and running ads for clients. You're not taking on those large clients that, that, that have those large marketing retainers. You're not building complex websites. And then trying to convince them to get on a care plan later. Uh, you are, there's a, even in your development workflow, there's a whole bunch of decisions that you've made that you have said, no, we are not, that's not how we do things at G and media. We're doing things differently and cutting out all of that waste is actually how you have improved the efficiency so much to the point where you can say to a local business, Hey, we can, we can get you a website for free. And in fact, every three years we'll update it. And it won't cost you a cent. I mean, that is so diametrically opposed to what most agencies are doing. And it's because I think you've systematically said, you know, that's not how we do it here. We do things more efficiently and you don't, it's, it's, you're not, you're not compromising your process to try and keep Speaker 0 00:41:32 The client happy. Yeah. So we, when we first jumped into Mavs, we had a, you know, one, one of the things I guess, that I had done well up until that point was we had sold the small stuff and we had fallen in love with $8, you know, so, you know, it was, it was, it was fine for us to, you know, like produce a website for someone or, or, or take the website and, and, and, and host it, um, you know, so that we could win $8 on hosting. And so we had a, a, an all size host hosting book, maybe like 150 clients or something like that, not, not big. And they were paying, you know, like $39 a month or whatever, uh, you know, plus maybe a little bit of money for registration and email and those kind of things. And, um, pre MAs, I dunno, what a care plan was. Speaker 0 00:42:21 I definitely didn't know that there was like a place where you could go where you can talk to like a hundred or in MAs, a hundred other agencies let alone the community of 12,000 or, or, or kind of whatever and ask for advice. Like I thought, like if I went and asked another agency for advice, they'd be like telling you, you know, what are you talking about? Um, so when we jumped into Mavs, we, we, we really dive, we dove straight into signature systems. Um, the one in the middle, I guess, is all your postlaunch products, individualized, and then a signature system, which is kind of like a, a bundled approach to, to everything, right? Mm-hmm we are hyperfocused on care plans, but that doesn't mean that we don't do our growth plan. So we also have a growth plan, um, which is a, um, a really good pro post launch product that we are pretty, we're almost finished, you know, with the systemization of it and, and all the rest of it. Speaker 0 00:43:17 And we had an alpha run of signature systems, but we didn't make any money. We were good at them. The customers got good results, but we didn't make any money. So for me, I was like, well, like we're killing it on the care plan. We're absolutely killing it. And so we, I decided that we would, um, close down the signature system channel for now. And what we would focus on is getting to a million dollars worth of recurring revenue on a sub $200 a month, uh, care plan, which means that we need anywhere between 418 and about 600, uh, um, websites on, on care plans. We also knew that to get that it's a, it's a rule of about 90%. So, excuse me, if you want a thousand care plans, it's probably only 900 people because a lot of people will give you more than one project. Speaker 0 00:44:13 Quite a few business owners will have more than one website mm-hmm <affirmative>. And so we know that we will get to a million dollars worth of annual, uh, recurring revenue on a sub $200 care plan. Um, you know, uh, when we reach about 412 of 418 to 600 clients, O of which I think we've got about 350 and we are about, um, $750,000 worth of, um, uh, recurring revenue products, sub $200 a month, which is massive. It's like huge. Wow. That's so what that, what that means for me is on the first of the month, I'm covered on everything. Yeah, right on the first of the month, when my recurring revenue invoices go out, I don't have to worry about covering my staff, my insurance, my cars, my, my whatever, and love it. And so we will close out once we have a, a million dollars worth of recurring revenue. Speaker 0 00:45:07 And then what we will do is, um, we will say, for example, just for easy maths, that's 600 clients, right? Mm-hmm <affirmative> I know that at that stage, I will close out our care plan product with what's called a discovery session, which means we take away all of the free, and we get paid to, uh, onboard, uh, someone into that, um, system. So that, so that's when our kind of like our, our gears will change. Mm-hmm <affirmative> then we will focus on our growth plan and we will take our growth plans to a million dollars worth of recurring revenue. And what's cool about that is when we reach the 600, we can stop all forms of acquisition because the 600 it'll be out of them that we get 60 or 11, we actually need 11, uh, percent. Uh, so 66 of them, if they jump on our, um, uh, uh, uh, um, growth plan, that'll be another million dollars worth of, um, annual revenue. Speaker 0 00:46:05 And when we reach a, a million dollars worth of annual revenue, we will close that out with a discovery session, which means the channel's still open. You just have to pay to get into it. I mean, you are the, you know, again, the paid discovery is stolen from you. It's taken from Mavericks. It's the course that, um, you know, is kind of available. And at that stage, then we'll open up our signature system. And so if you think about the, love it, if, if you think about the three motivating factors for a financial decision, from a human being, there are health, wealth, and relationships, right? So our health is our care plan, right? Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, that's a functioning website, you know, that solves all of the issues of having a website, right? The wealth product is our growth plan. So that's a performance product. That's like return on investment, you know, all of that kind, like, you know, stuff mm-hmm <affirmative> um, and then our signature system, I haven't figured out yet. Speaker 0 00:46:57 I, I know what our alpha one looked like, and I know that I didn't like it. And I know that I won't sell it again. Mm-hmm <affirmative>, our clients got good results, but we didn't make any money. That's why I don't didn't like it. Um, and so the care plan will probably be something with regards to a relationship with me. Right. Mm-hmm <affirmative> like, yeah, it'll probably be where I'll come into your business and, um, help in a little bit more, um, the signature system, you mean? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. I haven't figured that one out yet. Speaker 4 00:47:25 So how do, how do you, how do you, Speaker 2 00:47:29 I know E even I'm listening to this going, and we had a conversation recently, internally, where I said, you know, I think there are two products that we should focus on over the next 12 months Maverick's club and sales accelerator, cuz they're the products that deliver the most value for our clients. They're the products that we know how to sell. We can, you know, let's not complicate anything. We, and I'm not talking about our online courses, by the way, we're always releasing online courses primarily because we are producing those online courses for Mavericks. And then we say, Hey, here's a sliver of it, make it available to people who aren't in Mavericks to get them some help, let them level up and also give them a taste of what it's like inside Maverick, by the way, you're not stealing anything from us, dude. You're a member of Mavericks club. So you get it all. You're not stealing anything. That's what it's there for. Um, how do you manage your FOMO? Like how do you just focus on going? We are not doing anything except focusing on selling care plans until we hit a million dollars in recurring, then we're gonna go after our growth plans. How do you manage? Because every day there's opportunities to go after something new, how do you stay focused and not get distracted? Speaker 0 00:48:38 Um, well we're already making money, right? So, you know, our, our ability to basically take cash flow and use it to buy other businesses is already there. Um, I'm not like a money person I'm, you know, like, you know, I'm not like a Lamborghini kind of guy mm-hmm <affirmative>, you know, or, or anything like that. Um, you know, but you know, for, for me to, to, to reinvest in the purchase of new businesses gets me faster, you know, to gets me to where I want go kind of like, you know, uh, faster. So for one we're already doing all right. Um, and so I know that that second channel is inevitability. Um, either way that channel is open. So we do sell growth plans, although I limit it to 20 at a time mm-hmm <affirmative>. So, um, if someone puts their hand up and is like, Mike, I really need to move into like phase two, that growth plan. Um, you know, we, we will open up a channel for them. So it's not like, it's not like it's like hard and fast, the signature system I'm not worried about. Um, you know, but, uh, but Speaker 2 00:49:38 You're not, you're not focused on selling growth plans, right. If someone puts their hand up and says, Mike, I really need some post launch services. You need to help me grow. Then you'll have a conversation with them, but you're not focused on 'em and you're certainly not looking at acquiring agencies to then pivot all their clients under growth plans, Speaker 0 00:49:51 No straight away for my F the agency, the type of business that I'd like to acquire, you know, a perfect acquisition for me would be a thousand clients of, um, you know, like a hosting book where they're paying $14 a month or something like that. And they haven't been talked to in 10 years. That that would be a, a perfect acquisition for me because I just roll my systems over the top and, uh, do that, um, you know, value stack, uh, you know, the, the product kind of like cadence, uh, you know, on top of it. Um, but, um, secondarily as well, like I have one SEO, I only have one digital marketing guy. Um, I only have one data minor, you know, I only have one of those things. Whereas with the, um, team, we are geared up to have a huge appetite for acquisition of website, designer development. The other, the other thing as well is, um, <affirmative>, um, I haven't had to use the word web design, web development, SEO, digital marketing to sell anything in since I started maps. And so that's one of the other, like really kind of like cool things about what we do is it's impossible to commoditize what we do for our competition. And that's that I, I, I, this kind of like that idea of, um, how, how are we doing for time, by the way, do we have to wrap this up in eight minutes? Speaker 2 00:51:13 Uh, kind <laugh> it's called the agency hour. We can get you, we get you back for part two. Speaker 0 00:51:21 I was thinking like, if I go on there and I like, oh, Hey, look like this is, look at me like I'm doing right. It's not gonna really help other people. Um, you know, Speaker 2 00:51:32 I think this has been incredibly helpful. I think this has been incre, but also, dude, I'm more than happy to get you back on for another agency. If you want to go deeper into something, I'm more than happy to do that because this, I like this is super valuable and super helpful. And we could do a part two where you can go deep into something if, if that's what you wanna share. For sure. Speaker 0 00:51:51 Because the, one of the cool things that I think like, if that, so, so here's like this confidence thing where say, say, say you took everything off me. Mm-hmm, you know, those like shows where like, mm-hmm people get like, like millionaires get kind of like stripped of what they, and then they go, I don't care. That would be fine. Cause I'd be, I would be back to where I am a lot faster than the first time around. Speaker 2 00:52:10 Yeah. Yeah. Speaker 0 00:52:12 Yeah's one of those things where there's a, a very kind of, you know, like, like it would be easy for me to say if I was again, if I, if I was to start tomorrow with nothing, you know, like I could accelerate to where I am now and I could show you very clearly, cuz there's not a single unique idea that I have in my business, uh, that I came up with. Most of it is taken from you and your courses and the like coursework and stuff. Um, you know, stuff from, from Mavericks and mm-hmm <affirmative> um, you know, going to the Mav cons and you know, kind of like being in the squadron. I mean, like, I, I, I haven't been in any of the other squadrons in Mav, but I kind of like think that ours is the best, you know, like Speaker 0 00:52:55 Being able to talk each, you know, each couple of weeks with like people like Simon major and, and, and watching, you know, like what, it's, what it's like to niche down into a, a really kind of like focused environment. Um, seeing that nice guys don't always finish last with, uh, Adam Silverman and, and, and like his business and, and, and stuff like that. Um, watching someone like, uh, Nicholas Dolan kind of, uh, really earn the Rite of passage to business ownership with all the shit that he's had to put up with in the last kinda like little while, and, and just having access to all of those other guys, like you could take that away from me. You could take my staff away from me. You could take my tech stack away from me. And, and I would be able to clearly articulate how I and other agency owners could within a month or three months, you know, definitely be in a situation where they could leave their job, you know, with enough recurring revenue. Speaker 0 00:53:53 Because, you know, in that timeframe, it's viable to get 10 SI 10 websites live on a $200 a month care plan and to sell a couple of growth plans, you know, it's, it's the, the abundance out there. Uh, I, I did the max for this. So if I get to my 600 clients in which I become one of those Oro Boris snakes, who just feeds on their tail for rest of eternity, right. Because I don't need anymore. Um, clients, if I got them, I would be aiming at a 1.32e-06% market share of just WordPress websites. Wow. 3 million annual kinda like business plus whatever else I decide to sell. And we are, um, not even a fraction, not even a small fraction of 1%, kind Speaker 2 00:54:42 Of. You're not even the head of a pimple on the ass of the web world. Right. So, okay. Here's, here's my invitation. Would you come back and do a special edition of the agency hour where you walk us through exactly what you would do if you had to start again from scratch and you had no team, no money, no infrastructure, no office, no tech stack and no Mavericks club. Would you come back and, and do that with us? Speaker 0 00:55:10 Yeah, it's cool. I call it, there's a process that I call mining mining. So do you, so, so the thing that I'll come back and I'll, I'll show everyone, um, you know, if there's an appetite for it, some people might go, I'm not gonna not sell people websites. That sounds Speaker 2 00:55:29 There is an appetite for it. Let us know the comments. If you want Mike to come back and show us how he'd start again from scratch, if he had nothing and, and, and, you know, and had three months to pull it off, let us know in the comments. I think there's an appetite for it, but go on. Speaker 0 00:55:41 Yeah. So I can come back and I can show you my process, which is called mining. Um, which means that you can identify opportunities, uh, get in front of them. Um, you know, when, uh, you know, care plans, position for growth, growth, growth plans, and stuff like that, um, without, you know, any real kind of, uh, ad spend or, or, or anything like that. Um, and secondarily on that call as well. I could show you the frameworks of how I buy businesses as well, cause that might, Speaker 0 00:56:10 So one's gonna be at, one's gonna be at how do I get started and how do I potentially leave my job into, let's say, uh, $5,000 a month, recurring revenue kind of like web business. Um, and the second one might be, Hey, you know, we are making some money now. Uh, and I'd be interested to see how you acquire other agencies as well. That is, I think those awesome. Cause I don't want, like, I don't wanna like just come in here and let people to be like, oh good for Mike. You know, like, you know, like what to do, like Speaker 2 00:56:39 Yeah, you well done. Uh, so Rory Flyn says he's ravenous for that hahan Thompson says yes, absolutely. Bring him back. James Mero says he's hungry and thirsty. Uh, Facebook user says shit. Yeah. Appetite. Uh, yes. Appetite says face we use. So we're definitely gonna have you back for another episode of the agency and we're gonna go deep into that. Um, so in the last couple of minutes we have left, what are you most excited about over the next 90 days at Gerkin media? Speaker 0 00:57:07 Well, I get my other pod back. Here's a, so here's a, here, here you go. We can finish up with a mistake I made. So I have an entire pod on a project that I sold to a friend, you know, there, there, there are, you know, kind of, um, other things on the other side of it, like an idiot. Um, I sold a project for a fixed amount of, and it's taken my one, whole pod of mine. So that's like a full team. Um, <laugh> ages like six months or whatever to kind of, um, you know, get this website done. And so I get them all back. Uh, and so, you know, we, you know, it, it it's, people might think like those numbers are stupid. Mike, why are you building 65 websites at, at, you know, a month? And it all becomes like a level of kind of like scale. Speaker 0 00:57:54 Um, but yeah, in the next 90 days I get and Lee, my new production manager, who's like, you know, like, thank God they're coming back. Um, so we get, um, we get one of our pods back to focus towards our, our kind of like normal, um, channel, which is just getting all of these people, um, you know, to, to, to the point where they have like a really healthy, you know, kind of like website and are on a care plan and stuff like that. Um, hopefully we can buy another business, you know, it would be, you know, it would be good. Uh, we are getting like, what's funny is in between Mavs. So after my first run of Mavs and jumping into my second run of Mavs, um, we were able to do a website for Gerkin media, which is, uh, one like our own website. Speaker 0 00:58:40 And so I have noticed, I have noticed that we are almost have like a name now. Um, so a couple of things are like, you know, people will touch base with us. Hey, would you like to buy my business? Um, Colin, who was just sitting there before, he's an intern from America and huh, we got, we rang, Hey, will you take interns? And, and, and, and teach them over like 10 weeks, which is kind of cool, you know? Wow, that's cool. Um, I'm looking forward to doing your two latest courses, uh, the, um, the, the one around your staff and the one around, uh, the discovery sessions and stuff like that. So I'm looking forward to doing those. Um, I always look forward to my squadron calls at Mavericks and my catch ups with you. You know, it's, it's nice to have, you know, as I was saying before, it's really nice to have access to other, you know, not just high level agency owners, but the, but the rest of the guys in the squad and the guests get, get rest of the guys in the, in the Mavericks. So, um, looking forward to obviously having access to you because you are really good at showing me where I'm about to stub my toe and, uh, you know, showing me how I can avoid stuff that I'm blind to, you know, which is amazing and, and, and valuable. Um, and, uh, ultimately it's, it's, it's one of those things where there's no ifs in, in my game anymore. It's just a matter of time, you know, we will close out these care plans. Speaker 2 01:00:06 Right. I Speaker 0 01:00:07 Love it by the time I'm, you know, by the time I'm 40, I, I was talking to you other day. I don't know why I have this. Like, by the time I'm Speaker 2 01:00:12 40. Yeah. I mean, it's a milestone dude. I've got, I've got goals that I wanna achieve before. I'm 50, I've got about 15 months to do it. So I'm, I'm on a mission. Um, one of the most rewarding things about working with you in Mavericks is just the action that you take. And you, I mean, I know you've been through most of the training several times, you go back and you rewatch training six months later because you, you, you know, and you've said, I'm, I'm like, dude, why? And you're like, because I'll pick something up because I'm a different person now than I was six months ago, and I'm looking for different things and I'm looking for different clues. So it's been, Speaker 0 01:00:45 Yeah, I rewatch, I, I rewatch Mavs as well. Mm-hmm, Speaker 2 01:00:48 It's been amazing. You, Speaker 0 01:00:49 You might say that, you might say that like, that's, cuz you're a du and you didn't pick it up on the first time you through, you know, but I know what these are for. I mean, that might be my biggest trait, right? Yeah. Yeah. And I'm good with this, you know, like this is the money maker, but I, I know what my ears are for. And, and, and, and, and, and I'm not, it's like almost kind of like that martial arts thing, right. If the super, the minute you think that you're no longer a student yeah. You're going, that's Speaker 2 01:01:16 Gone over that's right. Exactly. It's so true, man. It's Speaker 0 01:01:20 So true. And that's, that's why fundamentally it's so, so easy. And I mean, shit, I look at the course corrections that I've had in my life and, and, and, you know, even if I just stuck to the kind of like business ones, you know, getting Lee massive course correction. So here's my ship business. Here's my poor performing business, you know, doing nothing, you know, hire Lee and it's, it's like this, and then I'd join maths and it's like this and, and, you know, and stuff like that. And, um, you know, it's, uh, yeah. Speaker 2 01:01:53 Awesome. Love it. Well, thank you so much for being on the agency. It's been awesome working with you. I'm looking forward to keeping working with you and we'll definitely, I'll get the team to reach out and definitely hook up a time to come back and do part two of this, where we go deep into mining and acquiring agencies. And, uh, everyone's looking forward to that as MI. So thanks again for being a part of it. Mike Brett really appreciate you, man. Speaker 0 01:02:13 Yeah, no, I think that's the best way that I can add value is not just to talk about myself, but to, to, to give some, you know, give the, the other people in the community, the tools to, you know, get out there and do what I do. And the reason, two reasons I I'm I'm, you know, I, I like that is one it's so abundant. And two, I do feel like I do the best work for my clients. You know, like it might have been all numbers I'd have been on numbers, but we have 0% attrition. Right. So that's, it must be that we, you know, like for me, it's about the relationships it's, it's, it's not all numbers and dollars and stuff like that. Uh, I treasure, yeah, of course, treasure every one of my 350 current, you know, clients, clients and, and will treasure the next 250, uh, you know, just J just as much, you know, so if I can show the rest of the community, how to invest into the relationship, you know, to organize your staff and your systems to become efficient and to go and find, um, you know, the type of business that suits this model, cuz it is abundant. Speaker 0 01:03:14 It is extremely abundant. Um, I think that's the, I think that we could wrap this thing up saying that. Yeah. Okay. Mike added some value back into the MES community, um, you know, without just talking about himself for an hour, Speaker 2 01:03:25 So awesome. Love it. Anna's already added you in the guest pipeline to be on the show again. So there you go. The system's already working. Fantastic. Thank you, dude. Appreciate you. Look forward to having you back for part two. Enjoy the rest of your day. Speaker 0 01:03:37 Cheer mate. Speaker 2 01:03:38 Talk soon. Thanks Mike. All right. LA and gentlemen. Wow. Mind blown cannot wait to have Mike back. Uh, that is another episode of the agency. Our wrapped up here in the digital Mavericks Facebook group. Uh, if you missed it, I've resigned as CEO of agency Mavericks. Emily Bryant has taken over she's based in Christchurch, in New Zealand and she's awesome. Reach out and say good day and also reach out to Mike at GRK and media and thank him for the episode and, uh, look forward to him coming back in the near future to do part two of that. All right. I love your work. Thanks for being a part of it. I really appreciate you tuning in, makes it all worthwhile. Uh, if you're listening to this podcast, come and join the digital Mavericks Facebook group and be a part of it. Watch the podcast. It is a video show, uh, leave some comments, get involved in the conversation. And if you think that, you know, someone who would benefit from listening or being a part of this show, then share it with them, uh, and give us a rating and, and leave us a comment. Let us know who you wanna see next. Let us know the kinds of things that you wanna learn and discover, uh, ask any questions and we'll do our best to keep bringing the best content we can here on the agency hour. Speaker 1 01:04:40 Thanks for listening to the agency hour podcast, subscribe at apple podcasts, Spotify pocket, audible, and wherever you like to listen, you can catch all of the agency hour episodes on our YouTube channel at youtube.com/agency Mavericks. Or you can get involved, check out our free digital Mavericks Facebook group, where we broadcast these episodes live for our community every week, along with a ton of free training. We'll see you there.

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